You may be surprised that the first after the main page are section not on the construction or repair of the pool, namely the service. Because first of all there are creation facilities ...
The fact is that in practice the owners (or future owners) realize the importance simultaneous business and creative approach to such construction as the home pool, even at the stage of its operation, that is, when you need to maintain pool. Until not start problems turbidity of water, its temperature, until it "would get" other malfunctions, many owners believe that any executive assistant to the household or even the owner himself outside of work and leisure time can cope with a home pool. I only left once again to express my opinion: everyone should do his business!
With pleasure I can describe you all technology service house pool. To the small details to tell what level of Ph should be in the water pool and how to achieve this, to advise how best to apply the means to disinfect the pool and what additional funds can be applied. Except this would go into the details of cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool, backwash filter water purification and many other details, which you can write a book. Hardly any of you would read this book, unless you are going to become a professional poolman.
The purpose of this site is live communication in the form of consultations on any matters relating to a home pool. It is hoped that these consultations eventually will grow into a popular forum, and while in the guest book, we will keep only the interesting questions of our visitors and make sure to answer all your questions.